Home Science CommunicationScholarly communication Hypothesis journal: new and improved!

Hypothesis journal: new and improved!

by Eva Amsen

The new issue of Hypothesis journal came from the printer this week. Oooh, shiny! No, really: It’s printed on nicer, shinier paper than before! Of course you can’t see that if you only read the articles online, but you can see the work of our newly appointed graphic designer. Hypothesis now has a new typeface, new layout, and pull-quotes!

On top of that, articles in Hypothesis are now not only just free, but also licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

But the changes don’t end there! Starting next issue, we will publish articles online as soon as they are accepted, and the collected articles of an entire year will appear in print at the end of the year. We’re also switching from e-mail submission to the use of Open Journal Systems (OJS) to submit articles. OJS is an open source program for use by open access journals. It is developed by the Public Knowledge Project, which was founded by John Willinsky, who happened to be on the panel I moderated at the Science in the 21st Century conference last month. It’s a small world.

Hypothesis volume 6, issue 1 contains the following articles
Editorial: Interdisciplinary Communication
Local Biotech Sector and Global Health Development – Mehrdad Hariri
The Phantom Phantom – Sadie Yancey
Fun with Microarrays Part III – Paul Boutros
The scientific workforce policy debate: Do we produce too many biomedical trainees? – Jeffrey Sharom

Hypothesis journal is currently accepting manuscripts for the next issue. We accept new and thought-provoking ideas, as long as they are supported by scientific findings or existing theories (in other words: don’t just make stuff up). These ideas may, however, currently be untestable. We also welcome regular reviews, original research, or opinion pieces.

There are no submission costs. We rely on sponsors and advertisers to keep the journal running. Speaking of which, the new shiny paper would also make advertisements look especially attractive, so if you are interested in advertising, please drop us a line as well to get a quote. (Web advertisements also considered.) Hypothesis is a non-profit journal, and all the staff are volunteers, but we need money to cover printing costs and general expenses (web, postage costs, etc.)


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