Ron Vale biology gig poster

Concert posters are usually much cooler than scientific seminar announcements, but the UNC Chapel Hill Biology Department breaks this trend with “gig posters” for visiting lecturers.

Found in the easternblot Flickr pool.Save

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Ricardipus January 15, 2009 - 1:45 PM

Just outside my office is a poster for the “Genomics of Common Diseases” meeting at the Sanger Centre (2007 version). It features a double helix entirely made of Lego minifigure knights and soldiers.

Is it cool? Is it geeky? Who can say. But I like it.

If I ever remember, I’ll take a pic and put it in the Flickr pool (along with the other things I’ve submitted).

Oh, and I used the Flickr upload tool once, to see if it worked (when it was new – and that time, it did). Since then, I always simply paste the html from the appropriate size photo page – it just seems easier, somehow.

Eva January 15, 2009 - 2:34 PM

I saw your earlier submissions! Some are in line for being featured on the blog. The line is not a very orderly line, though. Kind of like waiting for the bus. You don’t know if it comes, or when it comes, and it’s unclear who’s getting on there first, but eventually the bus comes, and everyone gets on there.

Eva January 15, 2009 - 2:56 PM

And I see you’re in Toronto! Which means you should come to this!

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