Home Musicians and Scientists Einstein’s Universe – Einstein’s science and music

Einstein’s Universe – Einstein’s science and music

by Eva Amsen

Last week, James Dacey let me know about an interview he did for PhysicsWorld: In the first video, particle physicist Brian Foster and violinist Jack Liebeck talk about Einstein’s musical career and about a show they do together called “Einstein’s Universe”, which is a lecture interspersed with music. In the second video, both men play a duet together.

In the video of the interview, James asks Jack about the link between science and music, and the violinist answers: “A lot of physicists, and generally scientists and mathematicians love playing music. It’s difficult to put your finger on what the exact link is, but I should think there is some kind of link in the discipline of reading a code on a page and turning it into music, and in the day to day life of trying to work out what’s going on in their particular discipline through looking at the codes that come out and deciphering how things are put together.”

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