A book with my name on the cover was published yesterday! The official title is “The Best Science Writing Online 2012”. Technically, it should be called “Some of the Subjectively Best Writing Related to Science That Was Online in 2010 or 2011 But Is Now Offline in This Book That You Are Holding Right Now”. It’s just that if they put that on the cover, the names wouldn’t fit. My name is in the top left corner. I think it’s supposed to look like a periodic table, in which case I’m beryllium (and there’s no hydrogen or lithium)
The original series, when it was still independently published, was called “Open Laboratory”, so you’ll see this book referred to as “Open Lab 2012” in a number of places. Do not be confused – it’s this very same book.
My post that’s included as one of the very first chapters of the book is the story about the role of an ancient genetic mutation in the settlement of South Africa. It includes capybaras and pirates and conflict and exciting sea voyages and biochemistry. What more could you possibly want?
So where can you get the book? Apparently it’s been spotted in actual physical bookstores, but don’t worry – you don’t have to leave your house! You can order The Best Science Writing Online 2012 on Amazon. Here’s the US store, and here’s the UK store. The UK store doesn’t ship until October, but that’s still in time for Christmas.
(Cover image courtesy of Scientific American / Farrar, Straus and Giroux)