Society6 are offering free shipping (worldwide!!) on most items until Monday September 7, so I found you some pretty science-inspired products. Science bags, science shorts, science pillow – even a science shower curtain. You didn’t know you needed one until now, but you DO.
This “mystery molecule” is not a real molecule, but it does look pretty on a bag.
Artist: Jacek Muda
This pillow looks like it comes straight from a proper home decoration store, but the design is inspired my microscope images of cells!
Artist: Klara Acel.
And while you’re decorating your home with cells, why not get this shower curtain?
Artist: Rebecca King In her shop you can also find this design on different products and in different colours)
Finally, I also really like this T-shirt with illustrations inspired by nature walks.
Artist: Jessica Roux
The items above all have an affiliate link, and if you do decide to buy one of these, I would appreciate it almost as much as the artists.