Home Science in Art & CultureMusic Musicians/scientists: get featured on the MusiSci Instagram account

Musicians/scientists: get featured on the MusiSci Instagram account

by Eva Amsen

MusiSci Instagram accountLong-time readers will remember a survey I did a few years ago, where I asked people to talk about how they combined music and science in their lives. More than 250 people who took that survey were involved in both science and music.

One of the intentions of the original survey was to do some background research into the music/science overlap, but ultimately my goal is to make this overlap more visible. We’ve all seen those articles that profile ONE musician/scientist and make them sound like an amazingly unique and very special person. What I would like to do is show that people like Brian May or Borodin are far from the only ones who are both musicians and scientists.

There are a few different things I’ve been working on behind the scenes, but one of them is now live, and it needs your input!


MusiSci Instagram

The MusiSci Instagram account just launched last week, and will feature different types of content related to music/science. Besides media about music/science, and posts about the science of music, the account will include profiles of people who are both musicians and scientists.

Do YOU do anything with music and science?
Want to be featured on the MusiSci Instagram account?
Read on to find out how you can be a part of this.

You don’t have to be fulltime or a pro in either field. You can be an amateur guitar player and a science student, for example.

Fill in this form to take a short interview and submit your photo(s) and I’ll post these on the MusiSci instagram account. I have a preference for photos that show you making music, so that we can get scientists out of the science/scicomm echo chamber on Instagram (and into the music echo chamber*)

To fill in the form, you will need to be logged in to a Google account so that you can upload a photo. If that’s a problem, just email your photo and answers to the interview questions (below) to musicians.scientists@gmail.com The same questions are on the form, so you can prepare before submitting.


Mini interview for people who do both music and science

Want to be on Instagram? Email your photo and answers to these questions to musicians.scientists@gmail.com

  • How have you combined music and science in your life?
  • How has being a musician influenced the way you do science?
  • How has being involved with science influenced your music?
  • If you had to give up either making music or doing science, which one would it be, and why?


Looking forward to seeing you on the MusiSci Instagram, as a visitor or featured photo.


*A music echo chamber sounds like a terrible idea.

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