Live Long and Evolve, by Mohamed Noor, uses examples from the Star Trek universe to explain the basics of evolution and genetics.
The entrance to Amsterdam’s Artis Zoo is flanked by two large stately buildings. One houses the planetarium, and the other a nice restaurant. Since 2014, the restaurant shares its building …
Science EverywhereScience in Art & CultureTravel & placesVisual arts
DNA sculptures in London – walking tour
by Eva Amsenby Eva AmsenThis summer London is host to another series of artist-decorated sculptures. After elephants, buses, and book benches, this time the theme is DNA! Join me and other local science communication …
BooksMusicMusicians and ScientistsScience in Art & Culture
Cell biology text books and The Beatles
by Eva Amsenby Eva AmsenWhen the third edition of the popular text book Molecular Biology of the Cell (MBOC) came out in 1994, the author photo on the back cover showed the six authors …
I came across these plushies recently: they’re DNA plushies, by Biochemies, and they’re the cutest DNA ever! The Biochemies site is run by Jun Axup, a biochemist in San Francisco. …
Science EverywhereTravel & places
Yellowstone National Park – the source of Taq polymerase
by Eva Amsenby Eva AmsenI’ve started my second year of blogging for The Finch and Pea, and this year I’ll be focusing my science travel posts on places I have NOT been. The first …