The Scientific Secrets of Doctor Who Simon Guerrier and Dr. Marek Kukula BBC Books, Paperback (2016) I didn’t start watching Doctor Who until the rebooted series in 2005. I …
doctor who
Way back in December, the Doctor Who Fan Orchestra released “Martha Meets Shakespeare”, the ninth collaboration between musicians around the world performing the music of Doctor Who. I’m in this …
The latest Doctor Who Fan Orchestra video is up, with video and audio segments recorded by individual musicians around the world, and it’s even more epic than our last one. …
The latest piece by the Doctor Who Fan Orchestra (DWFO) went live on YouTube yesterday. It’s a compilation of the music from the very popular Doctor Who Christmas Special from …
MusicMusicians and ScientistsScience in Art & Culture
Daphne Oram’s Oramics Machine
by Eva Amsenby Eva AmsenIn early November I visited the Science Museum in London, to see the Oramics exhibit. Oramics is a musical technique developed by Daphne Oram in the late 1950s, while she …
I know it’s not real by any stretch of the imagination, but isn’t there a far more reasonable explanation than aliens in this short bit of Doctor Who? (It starts …