I recently learned that I have an above average number of legs. This is no cause for concern: most of you do, too. It was something I first learned when …
BooksScience CommunicationScience on screenWriting, images, and storytelling
Musicians and Scientists
Einstein’s Universe – Einstein’s science and music
by Eva Amsenby Eva AmsenLast week, James Dacey let me know about an interview he did for PhysicsWorld: In the first video, particle physicist Brian Foster and violinist Jack Liebeck talk about Einstein’s musical …
Science CommunicationScience in Art & CultureScience on screenWriting, images, and storytelling
Lab Waste screening in New York
by Eva Amsenby Eva AmsenMy little film about Lab Waste is screening on October 20th as part of the “Quirky Science Shorts” programming at the Imagine Science Film Festival in New York. Yay! Go …
Science in Art & CultureScience on screenWriting, images, and storytelling
HotDocs notes – Laughology and Amerika Idol
by Eva Amsenby Eva AmsenI almost missed HotDocs entirely, because SciBarCamp was on May 9 and the preparations took up all my time, but I managed to catch one screening on May 10. It …
Last week at the video rental place I saw a documentary called “Autism: The Musical”. I’ve been watching a lot of documentaries lately, and most recently I’ve also been interested …
Science in Art & CultureScience on screen
BLAST! at HotDocs – upcoming screening
by Eva Amsenby Eva AmsenThe annual HotDocs documentary festival will be in town again next month. It’s awesome. No really, it’s very good. In the past years I’ve seen about 5-10 every festival, including …