In this second installment, we look at making your own images for your science blog, or asking for permission. If all else fails, you can buy images.
Science CommunicationWriting, images, and storytelling
Science CommunicationWriting, images, and storytelling
How to find images for your science blog – Part 1
by Eva Amsenby Eva AmsenThis is the first part of a two-part blog post on where and how to find images for (science) blogs. Includes lots of raccoon pictures as examples!
Science CommunicationScience EverywhereTravel & placesWriting, images, and storytelling
Beach bodies, as rated by marine biologists
by Eva Amsenby Eva AmsenSea nettle (2/5) Ouch! Their transparent look makes them hard to spot, but a surprise encounter with one of these beach bodies can really hurt your seaside enjoyment. Penguin (3/5) …
Outreach & engagementScience CommunicationWriting, images, and storytelling
Image origins: That walking molecule
by Eva Amsenby Eva AmsenSuddenly it’s everywhere: a gif of a molecule stepping along, carrying a big load. It’s currently going viral online, with text suggesting that it’s a myosin molecule carrying endorphins in …
Science CommunicationWriting, images, and storytelling
Science images in the public domain
by Eva Amsenby Eva AmsenA few years ago, the British Library put a collection of a million images on Flickr, all made available with no restrictions for reuse. They are tagged and described relatively …
Community & eventsOutreach & engagementScience CommunicationWriting, images, and storytelling
O.O.T.S.S.O.E.R.A.A.A.P. badges
by Eva Amsenby Eva AmsenI was one of the first members of O.O.T.S.S.O.E.R.A.A.A.P., the Order of the Science Scouts of Exemplary Refute and Above Average Physique (scroll all the way down to members at …