The Art Assignment is a YouTube show on PBS Digital Studios, hosted by Sarah Urist Green, which features a different artist each episode. The artists show how they work, and …
Creative & designHistoryWriting, images, and storytelling
Women in Science: Maud Menten
by Eva Amsenby Eva AmsenI recently made a video about Maud Menten. I used Lego, of course, but this time also added myself. Menten is a famous name in Biochemistry, but for years I …
Creative & designWriting, images, and storytelling
Breaking glass and restriction enzymes
by Eva Amsenby Eva AmsenIn one of my undergraduate chemistry lab courses the teaching assistants ran a “Break List”. Every time you broke a piece of glassware, you got a score, depending on how …
Creative & designWriting, images, and storytelling
Lego scientists stop motion
by Eva Amsenby Eva AmsenLike Ben Wyatt from Parks and Recreation, I used my time off work to make a stop motion animation. Mine’s a bit longer than his, though – but only a …