Why I stopped writing about scientists and musicians.
A few weeks ago I wrote a blog post called “Why are so many scientists also musicians?” I closed that by saying “I think that the question of why there …
Over the last ten years I’ve interviewed several people about their adventures in music and science, and I often asked them why they thought that music was a popular activity …
In the music and science survey earlier this year, I asked people to “name a musisci”. More than half of the participants answered this question, and several people gave more …
Off the back of the musisci survey, I also started a newsletter. It only comes out four times per year, but it will be worth it! You can subscribe here …
Musicians and ScientistsScience Communication
Blogging about the science/music overlap
by Eva Amsenby Eva AmsenMay 2012: I just moved the science/music blog over to easternblot.net, which also contains different types of blog posts. This was the historic start of my project for which I …
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