It’s BBC Proms time again! Every summer, the BBC hosts several weeks of concerts at the Royal Albert Hall, culminating in the popular Proms in the Park event. Last Friday …
Outreach & engagementScholarly communicationScience Everywhere
Colin Firth’s first scientific paper
by Eva Amsenby Eva AmsenColin Firth is having a pretty good year. First he won an Oscar for the King’s Speech, and now he also has a paper out in Current Biology! When guest …
Outreach & engagementScience CommunicationScience life and careers
Being a research volunteer for a study
by Eva Amsenby Eva AmsenI’ve experienced the other side of research recently. A number of weeks ago I spent an afternoon working with Cambridge students in their department. I wasn’t doing the research, I …
Science CommunicationScience in Art & CultureVisual artsWriting, images, and storytelling
Science Illustration
by Eva Amsenby Eva AmsenThis image of neurotransmitters at a synaps is part of the best science illustration of 2005, by Graham Johnson. It was the winner of the 2005 Science Magazine and NSF …