I get the impression that people see me as two entirely different people: On the one hand, there’s the person who supports open science and helps scientists get their work …
open science
Outreach & engagementScholarly communicationScience CommunicationScience life and careers
Scholarly communicationScience Communication
Please do not publish my thesis
by Eva Amsenby Eva AmsenI received a few of these emails, from scholars’ press and others, offering me a chance to publish my thesis (which anyone can find online for free in its entirety, if …
Scholarly communicationScience Communication
The science of magic – PeerJ launch
by Eva Amsenby Eva AmsenPeerJ launched today (congrats!) and one of their very first published papers is about the science of magic! “Perceptual elements in Penn & Teller’s “Cups and Balls” magic trick” studies …
Scholarly communicationScience Communication
HINARI journal access for the developing world
by Eva Amsenby Eva AmsenIf it hadn’t been for the excessive amounts of money my former universities invested in institution-wide access to scientific research papers, my MSc and PhD theses would each just be …
Scholarly communicationScience Communication
How to get scientists to adopt web 2.0 technologies: reference managers
by Eva Amsenby Eva AmsenI spend quite a bit of time online. I have two blogs and a Twitter account, and through various services you can follow along with what music I’m listening to, …
Scholarly communicationScience Communication
The Popularity of Open Access Journals and the Media
by Eva Amsenby Eva AmsenHundreds of scientific articles are published every week. Most of them are so specific that only someone working in the same field can understand them. Breakthrough articles that are expected …