This is the first post in a series of blog posts all about the process of moving from research to science communication. It’s something I’m often asked about, but there …
Science CommunicationScience life and careersWriting, images, and storytelling
Science CommunicationWriting, images, and storytelling
Keeping track of writing ideas
by Eva Amsenby Eva AmsenThrough some ill-advised decisions I ended up with five blogs. I maintain the work blog, I have a Tumblr about music and science and a neglected Medium page, I write …
Science CommunicationWriting, images, and storytelling
Learning how to pitch science writing
by Eva Amsenby Eva AmsenI love non-fiction writing, but I’m really terrible at pitching my ideas. That’s unfortunate, because non-fiction stands and falls with a good pitch. I just can’t sell myself. To illustrate …
Science CommunicationWriting, images, and storytelling
The Best Science Writing Online 2012 – with a chapter written by me
by Eva Amsenby Eva AmsenA book with my name on the cover was published yesterday! The official title is “The Best Science Writing Online 2012”. Technically, it should be called “Some of the Subjectively …
Musicians and Scientists
On creativity: How do you know if you’re having original thoughts?
by Eva Amsenby Eva AmsenThe trouble with quotes on the Internet is that you never know if they are genuine. —Abraham Lincoln I’ve never actually written any original music myself, because I don’t think …
Science CommunicationWriting, images, and storytelling
Bands of various kinds and NaNoWriMo
by Eva Amsenby Eva AmsenSo, I’ve been launching myself into something I actually have the time, but not the inspiration for. Or maybe I have inspiration and time, but no confidence. Whichever it is, …