A couple of weeks ago I went to Washington D.C. to talk about scientists and the internet at the Allen Press seminar. I shared the session slot with Andrea Powell …
Scholarly communication
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Scholarly communicationScience CommunicationScience life and careers
Correcting an error in my thesis. People from the future can’t mock me anymore
by Eva Amsenby Eva AmsenI mentioned earlier that I had found an error in my thesis. The table numbers in one chapter were off. Man, I’ve told everyone about it. Everyone who saw the …
Scholarly communicationScience CommunicationScience life and careers
Evaluating fourth year student presentations
by Eva Amsenby Eva AmsenI’m right in the middle of two days of evaluating student presentations. They’re 10 minute talks about the fourth year research projects they did. Yesterday I evaluated fifteen speakers, and …
Scholarly communicationScience CommunicationScience life and careers
Beam me up – lab words in different countries
by Eva Amsenby Eva AmsenAfter 6.5 years in Canadaland, I forgot that I learned some new words while here. Not many – about 2 per year – and most of them Canadian or otherwise …
Scholarly communicationScience CommunicationScience life and careers
by Eva Amsenby Eva AmsenPrologue: I have been working on this blog post about failure for months and kept cutting bits out of it because it was so long and boring. This is actually …
Scholarly communicationScience CommunicationScience life and careers
Protocols and recipes
by Eva Amsenby Eva AmsenI’ve always felt that I wasn’t creative enough in the lab. If protocols say to add 24 ul and wait 5 minutes, I will do just that. Sometimes I’m lazy …