The entrance to Amsterdam’s Artis Zoo is flanked by two large stately buildings. One houses the planetarium, and the other a nice restaurant. Since 2014, the restaurant shares its building …
Travel & places
HistoryScience EverywhereTravel & places
Barts Hospital Museum 20th anniversary
by Eva Amsenby Eva AmsenLast week I joined several other London bloggers on a behind the scenes visit to Barts Hospital Museum. The museum turns 20 years old this month, but the building it’s …
Science EverywhereTravel & places
Seven real life fantastic beasts, and where to find them
by Eva Amsenby Eva AmsenThe film Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them is out on DVD today, but did you know about these seven real life fantastic beasts? Axolotl Photo by Orizatriz, …
Science CommunicationScience EverywhereTravel & placesWriting, images, and storytelling
Beach bodies, as rated by marine biologists
by Eva Amsenby Eva AmsenSea nettle (2/5) Ouch! Their transparent look makes them hard to spot, but a surprise encounter with one of these beach bodies can really hurt your seaside enjoyment. Penguin (3/5) …
Science EverywhereScience in Art & CultureTravel & placesVisual arts
Finding DNA sculptures in London
by Eva Amsenby Eva AmsenOn Sunday, a group of friends and I set out to find the DNA sculptures that are scattered around London this summer. The weather wasn’t the best, and we started …
Science EverywhereScience in Art & CultureTravel & placesVisual arts
DNA sculptures in London – walking tour
by Eva Amsenby Eva AmsenThis summer London is host to another series of artist-decorated sculptures. After elephants, buses, and book benches, this time the theme is DNA! Join me and other local science communication …