I assume you’re familiar with “Bad Project”, the cover of “Bad Romance”? You must be. It’s had millions of views. Millions! And you may also have seen the video for …
If you liked the previous post, you may also be interested in this post on Cath’s blog. It’s about the same topic, sort of. I mean, obviously it’s different, because …
NOTE: These are not my cats and macbooks – they are Cath’s. This was a complicated April Fool’s prank based on the fact that people sometimes mix us up. My …
Scholarly communicationScience at homeScience Everywhere
Technical paper: home-made mocha optimization
by Eva Amsenby Eva AmsenAbstract I made instant mocha at work and am now writing a silly blog post about it. Introduction In this 24-hour economy, the modern workforce has little time to consume …
There’s a cycle path in Cambridge that has the code for the breast cancer gene BRCA2 painted on it, with each nucleotide a colour. If this sounds familiar, you might …
Outreach & engagementScience CommunicationScience life and careers
Being a research volunteer for a study
by Eva Amsenby Eva AmsenI’ve experienced the other side of research recently. A number of weeks ago I spent an afternoon working with Cambridge students in their department. I wasn’t doing the research, I …