The Barbican Centre currently has an exhibit called Japanese House, all about Japanese architecture and home design after 1945. Having been to Japan, I’d seen some of the country’s houses …
Visual arts
Creative & designScience EverywhereScience in Art & CultureVisual arts
Science EverywhereScience in Art & CultureTravel & placesVisual arts
Finding DNA sculptures in London
by Eva Amsenby Eva AmsenOn Sunday, a group of friends and I set out to find the DNA sculptures that are scattered around London this summer. The weather wasn’t the best, and we started …
Science EverywhereScience in Art & CultureTravel & placesVisual arts
DNA sculptures in London – walking tour
by Eva Amsenby Eva AmsenThis summer London is host to another series of artist-decorated sculptures. After elephants, buses, and book benches, this time the theme is DNA! Join me and other local science communication …
Creative & designScience EverywhereScience in Art & CultureVisual arts
Science on Society6
by Eva Amsenby Eva AmsenI’ve been exploring Society6 lately, and started a Science Collection with some of my favourite science-themed art. I’ll be adding more to the collection as I find it, but I’ve …
If you’ve heard me talk about science unconferences, you may have noticed me refer to this quote before: “At a conference the most important things happen in the coffee break” …
Science in Art & CultureVisual arts
Etsy Wednesday – Sagan and Feynman poster
by Eva Amsenby Eva AmsenOMG, it’s Etsy Wednesday again, for the first time in…let’s just not count. I have a week off work to catch up on other things in my life, and one …