This site uses Google ads in various places (header, footer, sidebar, and certain archived blog posts). Google uses their algorithm to decide which ads to show you, and ads will appear different for different users of this site. I have no control over the content of these ads.
Affiliate Links
Some posts on this site include affiliate links to external companies. If you click one of these links, and buy one of the products, I might get a small commission from the company. I only link to products I would personally recommend.
Affiliate programs I use:
- Amazon UK – for books and products available through the UK Amazon store
- Amazon US – for books and products available through the US Amazon store
- In the past some post also included links from – for other vendors, such as Groovy Lab in a Box, Grammarly, RedBubble or Freshbooks.
PR Sample
Sometimes I will be given a product for review. This is often a book, either as physical copy (regular edition or advancer reader copy) or a digital version of the book or galley proof. I receive these directly from authors or publishers, or through NetGalley. All reviews are my own honest opinion, and I am under no obligation to publish these reviews.
Sponsored posts
Sponsored posts are posts for which I received monetary or in-kind compensation. Usually, these posts have a topic that was decided in conjunction with the sponsor, but I remained entirely in charge of the content of the post.